Family therapy


Do you need support with your family situation?

Would you like to create a healthy, loving, caring and supporting base within your family, and feel it is a good place to be?

Be a proud, competent and wonderful parent – let your child/ren show they are a true miracle and let them surprise you with their individuality.

When a family is trapped in emotions, projections, moral and ethical dilemmas and loads of responsibilities, it can be very difficult to keep the overview and find a way to support the good flow, the natural support and caring that create the roots and structure in a safe, strong and loving family.

The risk is we lose precious moments with our child/ren, and they with us. Moments that are nourishing and confirming our role as parent and nourishing the child -who needs approach to develop – in loving and safe atmosphere – toward future with our consent.

Culture and our genetic inheritance seem to have this amazing but also sometimes irritating way in influencing our personality and behavior.

We as parents want the best for our children and a master degree is demanded in this role, at the same time we have to deal with our inner world, filled with emotions or/and sometimes unhealed themes from our own childhood.

No wonder it can feel like TOO MUCH sometimes.

We are learning to be a parent at the same time as we are a parent, and that is not always an easy process, neither for the adult nor for the child. Without our consciousness we often become a “victim” of the circumstances and have no influence on any decisions, emotional or practical. It can activate a negative chain reaction that might be difficult to rewind back to natural and healthy sources.
There is a child in each grown up and there is a grown up in each child.
We offer you competent therapy and/or coaching with years of experience.
Sometimes one or a few sessions is enough.
If you are interested in a home-visit or more information, you are welcome to contact us.
